黑猩猩分布於熱帶非洲地區,是日行性群居動物,是和人類最相似的類人猿之一,又厚又黑的毛皮和平坦的臉是明顯特徵,無尾,上肢比下肢長,用腳底和手指的關節來行走。 黑猩猩有超過30種叫聲,可以傳至兩哩遠與同伴溝通。牠們是工具專家,用草驅趕土堆中的白蟻、用樹枝取得蜂蜜、用岩石敲開果殼等,成熟的公猩猩還會丟擲東西來表現攻擊行為。 Chimpanzees are similar to humans, both have high levels of emotional expression, thinking and learning ability, and both living in groups. Chimpanzees will do anything do achieve their goals, especially for food, including using a tree branch to boar a hole into a tree to get honey and remove husks with rocks, they even throw things to express anger.